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БДСМщик Терентий

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Everything posted by БДСМщик Терентий

  1. да да, у него даже свой раздел есть с банхамером и досочками, где он неистово вайпает
  2. Айблядьнахуй Так и будите в носок мечтать о дамах на форуме И да, 30летний кавер на сороколетнюю песню это реально заявка на желтый дои
  3. музчины с марса, а женщины любят хуй

  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 100 posts to view.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 100 posts to view.
  6. а я в детском саду дрочил на пышногрудых трапов
  7. меня вот этот прёт, ну и ещё десяток типа отпускной или молитвенная
  8. эти уроды - единственные читатели этой рекламы, кстати ты отлично косишь под человека, но я тебя раскусил, бот!
  9. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Я взломаю твой анус</title> </head> <body> <p><a href="http://http://goatse.info/">Твой анус взломан, пёс!</a></p> </body> </html>
  10. (function(w) { if (w.fastXDM) return; var handlers = {}; var onEnvLoad = []; var env = {}; // Key generation function genKey() { var key = ''; for (i=0;i<5;i++) key += Math.ceil(Math.random()*15).toString(16); return key; } function waitFor(obj, prop, func, self, count) { if (obj[prop]) { func.apply(self); } else { count = count || 0; if (count < 1000) setTimeout(function() { waitFor(obj, prop, func, self, count + 1) }, 0); } } function attachScript(url) { setTimeout(function() { var newScript = document.createElement('script'); newScript.type = 'text/javascript'; newScript.src = url || w.fastXDM.helperUrl; waitFor(document, 'body', function() { document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0].appendChild(newScript); }); }, 0); } function walkVar(value, clean) { switch (typeof value) { case 'string': if (clean) { return value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;'); } return value.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'').replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&amp;/g, '&'); case 'object': if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') { newValue = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { newValue = walkVar(value, clean); } } else { for (var k in value) { newValue = {}; if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) { newValue[k] = walkVar(value[k], clean); } } } default: newValue = value; } return newValue; } // Env functions function getEnv(callback, self) { if (env.loaded) { callback.apply(self, [env]); } else { onEnvLoad.push([self, callback]); } } function envLoaded() { env.loaded = true; var i = onEnvLoad.length; while (i--) { onEnvLoad[1].apply(onEnvLoad[0], [env]); } } function applyMethod(strData, self) { getEnv(function(env) { var data = env.json.parse(strData); if (data[0]) { if (!data[1]) data[1] = []; var i = data[1].length; while (i--) { if (data[1]._func) { var funcNum = data[1]._func; data[1] = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.unshift('_func'+funcNum); self.callMethod.apply(self, args); } } else if (self.options.safe) { data[1] = walkVar(data[1], true); } } setTimeout(function() { if (!self.methods[data[0]]) { throw Error('fastXDM: Method ' + data[0] + ' is undefined'); } self.methods[data[0]].apply(self, data[1]); }, 0); } }); } // XDM object w.fastXDM = { _id: 0, helperUrl: ((location.protocol === 'https:') ? 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params.method_access = method_access; VK.Api.call(method, params, cb, queryTry); } }, 500); return false; } return true; }, call: function(method, params, cb, queryTry) { var query = params || {}, qs, responseCb; if (typeof query != 'object' || typeof cb != 'function') { return false; } if (!params.method_access && !params.method_force && !VK.Api.checkMethod(method, params, cb, queryTry)) { return; } if (!queryTry) queryTry = 0; if (VK.Auth._loadState != 'loaded') { var authFunc = function(result) { if (result && result.session) { VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.loginStatus', authFunc); VK.Api.call(method, params, cb); } }; VK.Observer.subscribe('auth.loginStatus', authFunc); VK.Auth.getLoginStatus(); return; } if (VK.Api.queryLength(query) < 1500 && !VK.Api.ie6_7()) { var useXDM = false; var rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000000, 10); while (VK.Api._callbacks[rnd]) { rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000000, 10) } query.callback = 'VK.Api._callbacks['+rnd+']'; } else { var useXDM = true; } if (VK._session && VK._session.sid) { query.access_token = VK._session.sid; } qs = VK.Cookie.encode(query); responseCb = function(response) { if (response.error && (response.error.error_code == 3 || response.error.error_code == 4 || response.error.error_code == 5)) { if (queryTry > 3) return false; var repeatCall = function(resp) { VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.sessionChange', repeatCall); delete params.access_token; if (resp.session) VK.Api.call(method, params, cb, queryTry + 1); } VK.Observer.subscribe('auth.sessionChange', repeatCall); VK.Auth.getLoginStatus(); } else { cb(response); } if (!useXDM) delete VK.Api._callbacks[rnd]; }; if (useXDM) { if (VK.xdReady) { VK.XDM.remote.callMethod('apiCall', method, qs, responseCb); } else { VK.Observer.subscribe('xdm.init', function() { VK.XDM.remote.callMethod('apiCall', method, qs, responseCb); }); VK.XDM.init(); } } else { VK.Api._callbacks[rnd] = responseCb; VK.Api.attachScript(VK._domain.api + 'method/' + method +'?' + qs); } }, queryLength: function(query) { var len = 100, i; // sid + sig for (i in query) { len += i.length + encodeURIComponent(query).length + 1; } return len; } }; // Alias VK.api = function(method, params, cb) {VK.Api.call(method, params, cb);} }; if (!VK.Auth) { VK.Auth = { popup: null, lsCb: {}, setSession: function(session, status, settings, resp) { var login = !VK._session && session, logout = VK._session && !session, both = VK._session && session && VK._session.mid != session.mid, sessionChange = login || logout || (VK._session && session && VK._session.sid != session.sid), statusChange = status != VK._userStatus, response = { 'session': session, 'status': status, 'settings': settings }; VK._session = session; VK._userStatus = status; VK.Cookie.set(session, resp); if (sessionChange || statusChange || both) { setTimeout(function() { if (statusChange) { VK.Observer.publish('auth.statusChange', response); } if (logout || both) { VK.Observer.publish('auth.logout', response); } if (login || both) { VK.Observer.publish('auth.login', response); } if (sessionChange) { VK.Observer.publish('auth.sessionChange', response); } }, 0); } return response; }, // Public VK.Auth methods login: function(cb, settings) { if (!VK._apiId) { return false; } var url = VK._domain.main + VK._path.login + '?client_id='+VK._apiId+'&display=popup&redirect_uri=close.html&response_type=token'; if (settings && parseInt(settings, 10) > 0) { url += '&scope=' + settings; } VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.onLogin'); VK.Observer.subscribe('auth.onLogin', cb); VK.UI.popup({ width: 665, height: 370, url: url }); var authCallback = function() { VK.Auth.getLoginStatus(function(resp) { VK.Observer.publish('auth.onLogin', resp); VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.onLogin'); }, true); } VK.UI.popupOpened = true; var popupCheck = function() { if (!VK.UI.popupOpened) { return false; } try { if (!VK.UI.active.top || VK.UI.active.closed) { VK.UI.popupOpened = false; authCallback(); return true; } } catch(e) { VK.UI.popupOpened = false; authCallback(); return true; } setTimeout(popupCheck, 100); }; setTimeout(popupCheck, 100); }, // Logout user from app, vk.com & login.vk.com logout: function(cb) { VK.Auth.revokeGrants(cb); }, revokeGrants: function(cb) { var onLogout = function(resp) { VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.statusChange', onLogout); if (cb) { cb(resp); } } VK.Observer.subscribe('auth.statusChange', onLogout); if (VK._session && VK._session.sid) { var url = 'https://login.vk.com/?act=openapi&oauth=1&aid=' + parseInt(VK._apiId, 10) + '&location=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.hostname) + '&do_logout=1&token=' + VK._session.sid; if (VK.Api.supportCORS()) { var logoutCallback = function() { VK.Auth.setSession(null, 'unknown'); }; VK.Api.makeRequest(url + '&new=1', logoutCallback); } else { VK.Api.attachScript(url); } } VK.Cookie.clear(); }, // Get current login status from session (sync) (not use on load time) getSession: function() { return VK._session; }, // Get current login status from vk.com (async) getLoginStatus: function(cb, force) { if (!VK._apiId) { return; } if (cb) { if (!force && VK.Auth._loadState == 'loaded') { cb({status: VK._userStatus, session: VK._session}); return; } else { VK.Observer.subscribe('auth.loginStatus', cb); } } if (!force && VK.Auth._loadState == 'loading') { return; } VK.Auth._loadState = 'loading'; var url = 'https://login.vk.com/?act=openapi&oauth=1&aid=' + parseInt(VK._apiId, 10) + '&location=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.hostname); if (VK.Api.supportCORS()) { var loginCallback = function(response) { if (!this.JSON) { this.JSON = {}; } if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') { //IE6 and IE7 response = eval(response); } else { response = JSON.parse(response); } VK.Auth._loadState = 'loaded'; if (response && response.auth) { var session = { mid: response.user.id, sid: response.access_token, sig: response.sig, secret: response.secret, expire: response.expire }; if (force) { session.user = response.user; } var status = 'connected'; } else { var session = null; var status = response.user ? 'not_authorized' : 'unknown'; VK.Cookie.clear(); } VK.Auth.setSession(session, status, false, response); VK.Observer.publish('auth.loginStatus', {session: session, status: status}); VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.loginStatus'); }; VK.Api.makeRequest(url + '&new=1', loginCallback); } else { var rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000000, 10); while (VK.Auth.lsCb[rnd]) { rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000000, 10); } VK.Auth.lsCb[rnd] = function(response) { delete VK.Auth.lsCb[rnd]; VK.Auth._loadState = 'loaded'; if (response && response.auth) { var session = { mid: response.user.id, sid: response.access_token, sig: response.sig, secret: response.secret, expire: response.expire }; if (force) session.user = response.user; var status = 'connected'; } else { var session = null; var status = response.user ? 'not_authorized' : 'unknown'; VK.Cookie.clear(); } VK.Auth.setSession(session, status, false, response); VK.Observer.publish('auth.loginStatus', {session: session, status: status}); VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.loginStatus'); }; // AttachScript here VK.Api.attachScript(url+'&rnd='+rnd); } } }; } } else { // if VK.xdConnectionCallbacks setTimeout(function() { var callback; while (callback = VK.xdConnectionCallbacks.pop()) { callback(); } }, 0); if (VK.Widgets && !VK.Widgets._constructor) { VK.Widgets = false; } } if (!VK.UI) { VK.UI = { active: null, _buttons: [], popup: function(options) { var screenX = typeof window.screenX != 'undefined' ? window.screenX : window.screenLeft, screenY = typeof window.screenY != 'undefined' ? window.screenY : window.screenTop, outerWidth = typeof window.outerWidth != 'undefined' ? window.outerWidth : document.body.clientWidth, outerHeight = typeof window.outerHeight != 'undefined' ? window.outerHeight : (document.body.clientHeight - 22), width = options.width, height = options.height, left = parseInt(screenX + ((outerWidth - width) / 2), 10), top = parseInt(screenY + ((outerHeight - height) / 2.5), 10), features = ( 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=' + left + ',top=' + top ); this.active = window.open(options.url, 'vk_openapi', features); }, button: function(el, handler) { var html = ''; if (typeof el == 'string') { el = document.getElementById(el); } this._buttons.push(el); index = this._buttons.length - 1; html = ( '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="openapi_UI_' + index + '" onmouseover="VK.UI._change(1, ' + index + ');" onmouseout="VK.UI._change(0, ' + index + ');" onmousedown="VK.UI._change(2, ' + index + ');" onmouseup="VK.UI._change(1, ' + index + ');" style="cursor: pointer; border: 0px; font-family: tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif, Lucida Sans; font-size: 10px;"><tr style="vertical-align: middle">' + '<td><div style="border: 1px solid #3b6798;border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px;-moz-border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px;-webkit-border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px;"><div style="border: 1px solid #5c82ab; border-top-color: #7e9cbc; background-color: #6D8DB1; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0px 1px #45688E; height: 15px; padding: 2px 4px 0px 6px;line-height: 13px;">&#1042;&#1086;&#1081;&#1090;&#1080;</div></div></td>' + '<td><div style="background: url(' + VK._protocol + '//vk.com/images/btns.png) 0px -42px no-repeat; width: 21px; height: 21px"></div></td>' + '<td><div style="border: 1px solid #3b6798;border-radius: 0px 2px 2px 0px;-moz-border-radius: 0px 2px 2px 0px;-webkit-border-radius: 0px 2px 2px 0px;"><div style="border: 1px solid #5c82ab; border-top-color: #7e9cbc; background-color: #6D8DB1; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0px 1px #45688E; height: 15px; padding: 2px 6px 0px 4px;line-height: 13px;">&#1050;&#1086;&#1085;&#1090;&#1072;&#1082;&#1090;&#1077;</div></div></td>' + '</tr></table>' ); el.innerHTML = html; el.style.width = el.childNodes[0].offsetWidth + 'px'; }, _change: function(state, index) { var row = document.getElementById('openapi_UI_' + index).rows[0]; var elems = [row.cells[0].firstChild.firstChild, row.cells[2].firstChild.firstChild]; for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { var elem = elems; if (state === 0) { elem.style.backgroundColor = '#6D8DB1'; elem.style.borderTopColor = '#7E9CBC'; elem.style.borderLeftColor = elem.style.borderRightColor = elem.style.borderBottomColor = '#5C82AB'; } else if (state == 1) { elem.style.backgroundColor = '#7693B6'; elem.style.borderTopColor = '#88A4C4'; elem.style.borderLeftColor = elem.style.borderRightColor = elem.style.borderBottomColor = '#6088B4'; } else if (state == 2) { elem.style.backgroundColor = '#6688AD'; elem.style.borderBottomColor = '#7495B8'; elem.style.borderLeftColor = elem.style.borderRightColor = elem.style.borderTopColor = '#51779F'; } } if (state === 0 || state == 2) { row.cells[2].firstChild.style.backgroundPosition = '0px -42px'; } else if (state == 1) { row.cells[2].firstChild.style.backgroundPosition = '0px -63px'; } } }; } if (!VK.XDM) { VK.XDM = { remote: null, init: function() { if (this.remote) return false; var url = VK._domain.api + VK._path.proxy; this.remote = new fastXDM.Server({ onInit: function() { VK.xdReady = true; VK.Observer.publish('xdm.init'); } }); this.remote.append(document.getElementById(VK._rootId), { src: url }); }, xdHandler: function(code) { try { eval('VK.' + code); } catch(e) {} } }; } if (!VK.Observer) { VK.Observer = { _subscribers: function() { if (!this._subscribersMap) { this._subscribersMap = {}; } return this._subscribersMap; }, publish: function(eventName) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), eventName = args.shift(), subscribers = this._subscribers()[eventName], i, j; if (!subscribers) return; for (i = 0, j = subscribers.length; i < j; i++) { if (subscribers != null) { subscribers.apply(this, args); } } }, subscribe: function(eventName, handler) { var subscribers = this._subscribers(); if (typeof handler != 'function') return false; if (!subscribers[eventName]) { subscribers[eventName] = [handler]; } else { subscribers[eventName].push(handler); } }, unsubscribe: function(eventName, handler) { var subscribers = this._subscribers()[eventName], i, j; if (!subscribers) return false; if (typeof handler == 'function') { for (i = 0, j = subscribers.length; i < j; i++) { if (subscribers == handler) { subscribers = null; } } } else { delete this._subscribers()[eventName]; } } }; } if (!VK.Widgets) { VK.Widgets = {}; VK.Widgets.count = 0; VK.Widgets.RPC = {}; VK.Widgets.loading = function(obj, enabled) { obj.style.background = enabled ? 'url("' + VK._protocol + '//vk.com/images/upload.gif") center center no-repeat transparent' : 'none'; }; VK.Widgets.Comments = function(objId, options, page) { var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); if (!VK._apiId) throw Error('VK not initialized. Please use VK.init'); options = options || {}; var params = { limit: options.limit || 10, height: options.height || 0, mini: options.mini === undefined ? 'auto' : options.mini, norealtime: options.norealtime ? 1 : 0 }, mouseup = function() { rpc.callMethod('mouseUp'); return false; }, move = function(event) { rpc.callMethod('mouseMove', {screenY: event.screenY}); }, iframe, rpc; if (options.browse) { // browse all comments params.browse = 1; params.replies = options.replies || 0; } else { // page var url = options.pageUrl || pData.url; if (url.substr(0, 1) == '/') { url = (location.protocol + '//' + location.host) + url; } VK.extend(params, { page: page || 0, status_publish: options.autoPublish === undefined ? 1 : options.autoPublish, attach: options.attach === undefined ? '*' : (options.attach ? options.attach : ''), url: url, title: options.pageTitle || pData.title, description: options.pageDescription || pData.description, image: options.pageImage || pData.image }); } if (options.onChange) { // DEPRECATED VK.Observer.subscribe('widgets.comments.new_comment', options.onChange); VK.Observer.subscribe('widgets.comments.delete_comment', options.onChange); } return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_comments.php', objId, options, params, { showBox: function(url, props) { var box = VK.Util.Box((options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com') + '/' + url, [], { proxy: function() { rpc.callMethod.apply(rpc, arguments); } }); box.show(); }, startDrag: function() { cursorBack = window.document.body.style.cursor; window.document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; VK.Util.addEvent('mousemove', move); VK.Util.addEvent('mouseup', mouseup); }, stopDrag: function() { window.document.body.style.cursor = cursorBack; VK.Util.removeEvent('mousemove', move); VK.Util.removeEvent('mouseup', mouseup); } }, { startHeight: 133, minWidth: 300, width: '100%' }, function(o, i, r) {iframe = i; rpc = r;}); }; VK.Widgets.CommentsBrowse = function(objId, options) { options = options || {}; options.browse = 1; return VK.Widgets.Comments(objId, options); }; VK.Widgets.Recommended = function(objId, options) { var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); if (!VK._apiId) throw Error('VK not initialized. Please use VK.init'); options = options || {}; var params = { limit: options.limit || 5, max: options.max || 0, sort: options.sort || 'friend_likes', verb: options.verb || 0, period: options.period || 'week', target: options.target || 'parent' }; return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_recommended.php', objId, options, params, {}, { startHeight: (90 + params.limit * 30), minWidth: 150, width: '100%' }); }; VK.Widgets.Post = function(objId, ownerId, postId, hash, options) { options = options || {}; var params = { owner_id: ownerId, post_id: postId, hash: hash || '', width: options.width || 500 }, iframe, rpc, cursorBack; if (options.preview) { params.preview = 1; delete options['preview']; } return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_post.php', objId, options, params, { showBox: function(url, props) { var box = VK.Util.Box((options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com') + '/' + url, [], { proxy: function() { rpc.callMethod.apply(rpc, arguments); } }); box.show(); }, startDrag: function() { cursorBack = window.document.body.style.cursor; window.document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; }, stopDrag: function() { window.document.body.style.cursor = cursorBack; } }, { startHeight: 90, minWidth: 250, width: '100%' }, function(o, i, r) {iframe = i; rpc = r;}); }; VK.Widgets.Like = function(objId, options, page) { var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); if (!VK._apiId) throw Error('VK not initialized. Please use VK.init'); options = VK.extend(options || {}, {allowTransparency: true}); if (options.type == 'button' || options.type == 'vertical' || options.type == 'mini') delete options.width; var type = (options.type == 'full' || options.type == 'button' || options.type == 'vertical' || options.type == 'mini') ? options.type : 'full', width = type == 'full' ? Math.max(200, options.width || 350) : (type == 'button' ? 180 : (type == 'mini' ? 100 : 41)), btnHeight = parseInt(options.height, 10) || 22, height = type == 'vertical' ? (2 * btnHeight + 7) : (type == 'full' ? btnHeight + 1 : btnHeight), params = { page: page || 0, url: options.pageUrl || pData.url, type: type, verb: options.verb == 1 ? 1 : 0, color: options.color || '', title: options.pageTitle || pData.title, description: options.pageDescription || pData.description, image: options.pageImage || pData.image, text: (options.text || '').substr(0, 140), h: btnHeight }, ttHere = options.ttHere || false, isOver = false, obj, buttonIfr, buttonRpc, tooltipIfr, tooltipRpc, checkTO, statsBox; function showTooltip(force) { if ((!isOver && !force) || !tooltipRpc) return; if (!tooltipIfr || !tooltipRpc || tooltipIfr.style.display != 'none' && tooltipIfr.getAttribute('vkhidden') != 'yes') return; var scrollTop = options.getScrollTop ? options.getScrollTop() : (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0); var objPos = VK.Util.getXY(obj, options.fixed); var startY = ttHere ? 0 : objPos[1]; if (scrollTop > objPos[1] - 120 && options.tooltipPos != 'top' || type == 'vertical' || options.tooltipPos == 'bottom') { tooltipIfr.style.top = (startY + height + 2) + 'px'; tooltipRpc.callMethod('show', false); } else { tooltipIfr.style.top = (startY - 125) + 'px'; tooltipRpc.callMethod('show', true); } VK.Util.ss(tooltipIfr, {left: ((ttHere ? 0 : objPos[0]) - (type == 'vertical' || type == 'mini' ? 36 : 2)) + 'px', display: 'block', opacity: 1, filter: 'none'}); tooltipIfr.setAttribute('vkhidden', 'no'); isOver = true; } function hideTooltip(force) { if ((isOver && !force) || !tooltipRpc) return; tooltipRpc.callMethod('hide'); buttonRpc.callMethod('hide'); setTimeout(function() { tooltipIfr.style.display = 'none' }, 400); } function handleStatsBox(act) { hideTooltip(true); statsBox = VK.Util.Box(buttonIfr.src + '&act=a_stats_box&widget_width=620'); statsBox.show(); } return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_like.php', objId, options, params, { initTooltip: function(counter) { tooltipRpc = new fastXDM.Server({ onInit: counter ? function() {showTooltip(true)} : function() {}, proxy: function() { buttonRpc.callMethod.apply(buttonRpc, arguments); }, showBox: function(url, props) { var box = VK.Util.Box((options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com/') + url, [props.width, props.height], { proxy: function() { tooltipRpc.callMethod.apply(tooltipRpc, arguments); } }); box.show(); }, statsBox: handleStatsBox }, false, {safe: true}); tooltipIfr = tooltipRpc.append(ttHere ? obj : document.body, { src: buttonIfr.src + '&act=a_like_tooltip', scrolling: 'no', allowTransparency: true, id: buttonIfr.id + '_tt', style: {position: 'absolute', padding: 0, display: 'block', opacity: 0.01, filter: 'alpha(opacity=1)', border: '0', width: '238px', height: '124px', zIndex: 5000, overflow: 'hidden'} }); tooltipIfr.setAttribute('vkhidden', 'yes'); obj.onmouseover = tooltipIfr.onmouseover = function() { clearTimeout(checkTO); isOver = true; }; obj.onmouseout = tooltipIfr.onmouseout = function() { clearTimeout(checkTO); isOver = false; checkTO = setTimeout(function() {hideTooltip(); }, 200); }; }, statsBox: handleStatsBox, showTooltip: showTooltip, hideTooltip: hideTooltip, showBox: function(url, props) { var box = VK.Util.Box((options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com/') + url, [], { proxy: function() { buttonRpc.callMethod.apply(buttonRpc, arguments); } }); box.show(); }, proxy: function() {if (tooltipRpc) tooltipRpc.callMethod.apply(tooltipRpc, arguments);} }, { startHeight: height, minWidth: width }, function(o, i, r) { buttonRpc = r; VK.Util.ss(obj = o, {height: height + 'px', width: width + 'px', position: 'relative', clear: 'both'}); VK.Util.ss(buttonIfr = i, {height: height + 'px', width: width + 'px', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 150}); }); }; VK.Widgets.Poll = function(objId, options, pollId) { var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); // if (!VK._apiId) throw Error('VK not initialized. Please use VK.init'); if (!pollId) throw Error('No poll id passed'); options = options || {}; var params = { poll_id: pollId, url: options.pageUrl || pData.url || location.href, title: options.pageTitle || pData.title, description: options.pageDescription || pData.description }; return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_poll.php', objId, options, params, {}, { startHeight: 133, minWidth: 300, width: '100%' }); }; VK.Widgets.PagePoll = function(objId, options, page) { var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); // if (!VK._apiId) throw Error('VK not initialized. Please use VK.init'); options = options || {}; var params = { page: page || 0, norealtime: options.norealtime ? 1 : 0, poll_id: options.pollId || '', url: options.pageUrl || pData.url || location.href, title: options.pageTitle || pData.title, description: options.pageDescription || pData.description }; return VK.Widgets._constructor('al_widget_poll.php', objId, options, params, {}, { startHeight: 133, minWidth: 300, width: '100%' }); }; VK.Widgets.Community = VK.Widgets.Group = function(objId, options, gid) { gid = parseInt(gid, 10); var RPC; if (!gid) { throw Error('No group_id passed'); } options.mode = parseInt(options.mode, 10).toString(); var params = { gid: gid, mode: (options.mode) ? options.mode : '0' }; if (!options.width) options.width = 200; if (options.wall) params.wall = options.wall; params.color1 = options.color1 || ''; params.color2 = options.color2 || ''; params.color3 = options.color3 || ''; params.class_name = options.class_name || ''; if (options.no_head) params.no_head = 1; if (!options.height) options.height = 290; if (options.wide) { params.wide = 1; if (options.width < 300) { options.width = 300; } } var cursorBack; function mouseup() { RPC.callMethod('mouseUp'); return false; } function move(event) { RPC.callMethod('mouseMove', {screenY: event.screenY}); return false; } return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_community.php', objId, options, params, { showBox: function(url, props) { var box = VK.Util.Box((options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com/') + url, [], { proxy: function() { rpc.callMethod.apply(rpc, arguments); } }); box.show(); }, startDrag: function() { cursorBack = window.document.body.style.cursor; window.document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; VK.Util.addEvent('mousemove', move); VK.Util.addEvent('mouseup', mouseup); }, stopDrag: function() { window.document.body.style.cursor = cursorBack; VK.Util.removeEvent('mousemove', move); VK.Util.removeEvent('mouseup', mouseup); }, auth: function() { VK.Auth.login(null, 1); } }, { minWidth: 120, width: '200', height: '290', startHeight: 200 }, function(o, i, r) { RPC = r; }); }; VK.Widgets.Auth = function(objId, options) { var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); if (!VK._apiId) throw Error('VK not initialized. Please use VK.init'); if (!options.width) { options.width = 200; } if (options.type) { type = 1; } else { type = 0; } return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_auth.php', objId, options, {}, {makeAuth: function(data) { if (data.session) { VK.Auth._loadState = 'loaded'; VK.Auth.setSession(data.session, 'connected'); VK.Observer.publish('auth.loginStatus', {session: data.session, status: 'connected'}); VK.Observer.unsubscribe('auth.loginStatus'); } if (options.onAuth) { options.onAuth(data); } else { if (options.authUrl) { var href = options.authUrl; } else { var href = window.location.href; } if (href.indexOf('?') == -1) { href+='?'; } else { href+='&'; } var vars = []; for (var i in data) { if (i != 'session') vars.push(i+'='+decodeURIComponent(data).replace(/&/g, '%26').replace(/\?/, '%3F')); } window.location.href = href + vars.join('&'); } }}, {startHeight: 80}); }; VK.Widgets.Subscribe = function(objId, options, oid) { oid = parseInt(oid, 10); var RPC; if (!oid) { throw Error('No owner_id passed'); } var params = { oid: oid }; if (options.mode) { params.mode = options.mode; } if (options.soft) { params.soft = options.soft; } return VK.Widgets._constructor('widget_subscribe.php', objId, options, params, { showBox: function(url, props) { var box = VK.Util.Box((options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com/') + url, [], { proxy: function() { rpc.callMethod.apply(rpc, arguments); } }); box.show(); }, auth: function() { VK.Auth.login(null, 1); } }, { minWidth: 220, startHeight: 22, height: options.height || 22 }, function(o, i, r) { RPC = r; }); }; VK.Widgets.Ads = function(objId, options, paramsExtra) { options = options || {}; paramsExtra = paramsExtra || {}; var params = {}; var defaults = {}; var funcs = {}; var obj = document.getElementById(objId); var iframe; var rpc; var adsParams = {}; var adsParamsLocal = {}; var adsParamsDefault = {}; for (var key in paramsExtra) { var keyFix = (inArray(key, ['hash']) ? key : 'ads_' + key); adsParams[keyFix] = paramsExtra[key]; } if (obj && obj.getBoundingClientRect) { obj.style.width = '100%'; obj.style.height = '100%'; var rect = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); obj.style.width = ''; obj.style.height = ''; adsParams.ads_ad_unit_width_auto = Math.floor(rect.right - rect.left); adsParams.ads_ad_unit_height_auto = Math.floor(rect.bottom - rect.top); } adsParamsDefault.ads_ad_unit_width = 100; adsParamsDefault.ads_ad_unit_height = 100; adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_width = (parseInt(adsParams.ads_ad_unit_width) || adsParams.ads_ad_unit_width === 'auto' && adsParams.ads_ad_unit_width_auto || adsParamsDefault.ads_ad_unit_width); adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_height = (parseInt(adsParams.ads_ad_unit_height) || adsParams.ads_ad_unit_height === 'auto' && adsParams.ads_ad_unit_height_auto || adsParamsDefault.ads_ad_unit_height); if (adsParams.ads_handler) { adsParamsLocal.ads_handler = adsParams.ads_handler; } if (adsParams.ads_handler_empty_html) { adsParamsLocal.ads_handler_empty_html = adsParams.ads_handler_empty_html; } delete adsParams.ads_handler; delete adsParams.ads_handler_empty_html; params.act = 'ads_web'; params.url = location.href; VK.extend(params, adsParams); options.noDefaultParams = true; options.width = adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_width; options.allowTransparency = true; defaults.startHeight = adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_height; defaults.minWidth = adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_width; funcs.adsOnInitLoader = adsOnInitLoader; funcs.adsOnInit = adsOnInit; return VK.Widgets._constructor('ads_rotate.php', objId, options, params, funcs, defaults, onDone); function adsOnInitLoader(adsScriptVersion) { VK.Widgets.loading(obj, true); adsAttachScript(adsScriptVersion); } function adsOnInit(errorCode, adsParamsExport) { VK.Widgets.loading(obj, false); adsProcessParams(adsParamsExport); if (options.onAdsReady) options.onAdsReady.apply(options.onAdsReady, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); adsProcessHandler(errorCode); } function adsAttachScript(adsScriptVersion) { if (!('vk__adsLight' in window)) { window.vk__adsLight = false; adsScriptVersion = parseInt(adsScriptVersion); var attachScriptFunc = (VK.Api && VK.Api.attachScript || VK.addScript); var base_domain = (options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com'); attachScriptFunc(base_domain + '/js/al/aes_light.js?' + adsScriptVersion); } else if (window.vk__adsLight && vk__adsLight.userHandlers && vk__adsLight.userHandlers.onInit) { vk__adsLight.userHandlers.onInit(false); // false - do not publish initial onInit } } function adsProcessParams(adsParamsExport) { if (!adsParamsExport) { return; } for (var paramName in adsParamsExport) { var paramValue = adsParamsExport[paramName]; if (paramName === 'ads_ad_unit_width' || paramName === 'ads_ad_unit_height') { if (!(paramName in adsParams)) { adsParamsLocal[paramName] = (parseInt(paramValue) || paramValue === 'auto' && adsParams[paramName + '_auto'] || adsParamsDefault[paramName]); } } else { if (!(paramName in adsParamsLocal)) { adsParamsLocal[paramName] = paramValue; } } } } function adsProcessHandler(errorCode) { var handlerResult = adsEvalHandler(adsParamsLocal.ads_handler, errorCode); if (errorCode <= 0 && handlerResult !== true) { try { console.log('VK: ad_unit_id = ' + adsParams.ads_ad_unit_id, ', errorCode = ', errorCode); } catch (e) {} adsInsertHtmlHandler(adsParamsLocal.ads_handler_empty_html, adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_width, adsParamsLocal.ads_ad_unit_height); } } function adsEvalHandler(handler) { var result = false; try { if (!handler) { return false; } var func = false; if (isFunction(handler)) { func = handler; } else if (isString(handler)) { var handlerFuncs = handler.split('.'); func = window; for (var i = 0, len = handlerFuncs.length; i < len; i++) { func = func[handlerFuncs]; if (!func) { break; } } if (!func) { if (handler.substr(0, 8) === 'function') { handler = 'return ' + handler + ';'; } var handlerResult = (new Function(handler))(); if (isFunction(handlerResult)) { func = handlerResult; } else { result = handlerResult; } } } if (func) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); result = func.apply(func, args); } } catch (e) { try { console.error(e); } catch (e2) {} } return result; function isFunction(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Function]'; } function isString(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object String]'; } } function adsInsertHtmlHandler(handlerHtml, width, height) { if (!handlerHtml) { return; } if (!obj) { return; } width = (width ? width + 'px' : ''); height = (height ? height + 'px' : ''); var iframeHandlerHtml = '<html><head></head><body style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><div>' + handlerHtml + '</div></body></html>'; var iframeHandler = document.createElement('iframe'); iframeHandler.onload = fixIframeHeight; iframeHandler.id = (iframe ? iframe.id : ('vkwidget-' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000))) + '_ads_html_handler'; iframeHandler.src = 'about:blank'; iframeHandler.width = '100%'; iframeHandler.height = '100%'; iframeHandler.scrolling = 'no'; iframeHandler.frameBorder = '0'; iframeHandler.allowTransparency = true; iframeHandler.style.overflow = 'hidden'; iframeHandler.style.width = width; iframeHandler.style.height = height; obj.style.width = width; obj.style.height = height; obj.appendChild(iframeHandler); iframeHandler.contentWindow.vk_ads_html_handler = iframeHandlerHtml; iframeHandler.src = 'javascript:window["vk_ads_html_handler"]'; function fixIframeHeight() { if (height) { return; } try { var rect = iframeHandler.contentWindow.document.body.firstChild.getBoundingClientRect(); var heightFix = Math.ceil(rect.bottom - rect.top); if (heightFix) { iframeHandler.style.height = heightFix; obj.style.height = heightFix; } } catch (e) {} } } function indexOf(arr, value, from) { for (var i = from || 0, l = (arr || []).length; i < l; i++) { if (arr == value) return i; } return -1; } function inArray(value, arr) { return indexOf(arr, value) != -1; } function onDone(o, i, r) { obj = o; iframe = i; rpc = r; } }; VK.Widgets._constructor = function(widgetUrl, objId, options, params, funcs, defaults, onDone, widgetId, iter) { var obj = document.getElementById(objId); widgetId = widgetId || (++VK.Widgets.count); if (!obj) { iter = iter || 0; if (iter > 10) { throw Error('VK.Widgets: object #' + objId + ' not found.'); } setTimeout(function() { VK.Widgets._constructor(widgetUrl, objId, options, params, funcs, defaults, onDone, widgetId, iter + 1); }, 500); return widgetId; } var ifr, base_domain, width, url, urlQueryString, encodedParam, rpc, iframe, i; options = options || {}; defaults = defaults || {}; funcs = funcs || {}; base_domain = options.base_domain || VK._protocol + '//vk.com'; width = (options.width == 'auto') ? obj.clientWidth || '100%' : parseInt(options.width, 10); if (options.height) { params.height = options.height; obj.style.height = options.height + 'px'; } else { obj.style.height = (defaults.startHeight || 200) + 'px'; } width = width ? (Math.max(defaults.minWidth || 200, Math.min(10000, width)) + 'px') : '100%'; if (!params.url) { params.url = options.pageUrl || location.href.replace(/#.*$/, ''); } url = base_domain + '/' + widgetUrl; urlQueryString = ''; if (!options.noDefaultParams) { urlQueryString += '&app=' + (VK._apiId || '0') + '&width=' + width } urlQueryString += '&_ver=' + VK.version if (VK._iframeAppWidget) { params.iframe_app = 1; } var pData = VK.Util.getPageData(); params.url = params.url || pData.url || ""; params.referrer = params.referrer || document.referrer || ""; params.title = params.title || pData.title || document.title || ""; for (i in params) { if (i == 'title' && params.length > 80) params = params.substr(0, 80)+'...'; if (i == 'description' && params.length > 160) params = params.substr(0, 160)+'...'; if (typeof(params) == 'number') { encodedParam = params; } else { try { encodedParam = encodeURIComponent(params); } catch (e) { encodedParam = ''; } } urlQueryString += '&' + i + '=' + encodedParam; } urlQueryString += '&' + (+new Date()).toString(16); url += '?' + urlQueryString.substr(1); obj.style.width = width; VK.Widgets.loading(obj, true); funcs.publish = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.push(widgetId); VK.Observer.publish.apply(VK.Observer, args); }; funcs.onInit = function() { VK.Widgets.loading(obj, false); if (funcs.onReady) funcs.onReady(); if (options.onReady) options.onReady(); } funcs.resize = function(e, cb) { obj.style.height = e + 'px'; var el = document.getElementById('vkwidget' + widgetId); if (el) { el.style.height = e + 'px'; } } funcs.resizeWidget = function(newWidth, newHeight) { newWidth = parseInt(newWidth); newHeight = parseInt(newHeight); var widgetElem = document.getElementById('vkwidget' + widgetId); if (isFinite(newWidth)) { obj.style.width = newWidth + 'px'; if (widgetElem) { widgetElem.style.width = newWidth + 'px'; } } if (isFinite(newHeight)) { obj.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; if (widgetElem) { widgetElem.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; } } if (options.onResizeWidget) options.onResizeWidget(); } funcs.updateVersion = function(ver) { if (ver > 1) { VK.Api.attachScript('//vk.com/js/api/openapi_update.js?'+parseInt(ver)); } } rpc = VK.Widgets.RPC[widgetId] = new fastXDM.Server(funcs, function(origin) { if (!origin) return true; origin = origin.toLowerCase(); return (origin.match(/(\.|\/)vk\.com($|\/|\?)/)); }, {safe: true}); iframe = VK.Widgets.RPC[widgetId].append(obj, { src: url, width: (width.indexOf('%') != -1) ? width : (parseInt(width) || width), height: defaults.startHeight || '100%', scrolling: 'no', id: 'vkwidget' + widgetId, allowTransparency: options.allowTransparency || false, style: { overflow: 'hidden' } }); onDone && setTimeout(function() {onDone(obj, iframe || obj.firstChild, rpc);}, 10); return widgetId; }; } if (!VK.Util) { VK.Util = { getPageData: function() { if (!VK._pData) { var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'), pData = {}, keys = ['description', 'title', 'url', 'image', 'app_id'], metaName; for (var i in metas) { if (!metas.getAttribute) continue; if (metas.getAttribute && ((metaName = metas.getAttribute('name')) || (metaName = metas.getAttribute('property')))) { for (var j in keys) { if (metaName == keys[j] || metaName == 'og:'+keys[j] || metaName == 'vk:'+keys[j]) { pData[keys[j]] = metas.content; } } } } if (pData.app_id && !VK._apiId) { VK._apiId = pData.app_id; } pData.title = pData.title || document.title || ''; pData.description = pData.description || ''; pData.image = pData.image || ''; if (!pData.url && VK._iframeAppWidget && VK._apiId) { pData.url = '/app' + VK._apiId; if (VK._browserHash) { pData.url += VK._browserHash } } var loc = location.href.replace(/#.*$/, ''); if (!pData.url || !pData.url.indexOf(loc)) { pData.url = loc; } VK._pData = pData; } return VK._pData; }, getStyle: function(elem, name) { var ret, defaultView = document.defaultView || window; if (defaultView.getComputedStyle) { name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); if (computedStyle) { ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name); } } else if (elem.currentStyle) { var camelCase = name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){ return letter.toUpperCase(); }); ret = elem.currentStyle[name] || elem.currentStyle[camelCase]; } return ret; }, getXY: function(obj, fixed) { if (!obj || obj === undefined) return; var left = 0, top = 0; if (obj.getBoundingClientRect !== undefined) { var rect = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); left = rect.left; top = rect.top; fixed = true; } else if (obj.offsetParent) { do { left += obj.offsetLeft; top += obj.offsetTop; if (fixed) { left -= obj.scrollLeft; top -= obj.scrollTop; } } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } if (fixed) { top += window.pageYOffset || window.scrollNode && scrollNode.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; left += window.pageXOffset || window.scrollNode && scrollNode.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } return [left, top]; }, Box: function(src, sizes, fnc, options) { fnc = fnc || {}; var overflowB = document.body.style.overflow; var loader = document.createElement('DIV'); var rpc = new fastXDM.Server(VK.extend(fnc, { onInit: function() { iframe.style.background = 'transparent'; iframe.style.visibility = 'visible'; document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; document.body.removeChild(loader); }, hide: function() { iframe.style.display = 'none'; }, tempHide: function() { iframe.style.left = '-10000px'; iframe.style.top = '-10000px'; iframe.style.width = '10px'; iframe.style.height = '10px'; document.body.style.overflow = overflowB; }, destroy: function() { try { iframe.src = 'about: blank;'; } catch (e) {} iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); document.body.style.overflow = overflowB; }, resize: function(w, h) { } }, true), false, {safe: true}), iframe = rpc.append(document.body, { src: src.replace(/&amp;/g, '&'), scrolling: 'no', allowTransparency: true, style: {position: 'fixed', left: 0, top: 0, zIndex: 1002, background: VK._protocol + '//vk.com/images/upload.gif center center no-repeat transparent', padding: '0', border: '0', width: '100%', height: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', visibility: 'hidden'} }); loader.innerHTML = '<div style="position: fixed;left: 50%;top: 50%;margin: 0px auto 0px -60px;z-index: 1002;width: 100px;"><div style="background: url(//vk.com/images/upload_inv_mono'+(window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 ? 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  11. https://vk.com/wall181786007_6 <div id="vk_post_181786007_6"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//vk.com/js/api/openapi.js?121"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); } (document, 'script', 'vk_openapi_js')); (function() { if (!window.VK || !VK.Widgets || !VK.Widgets.Post || !VK.Widgets.Post("vk_post_181786007_6", 181786007, 6, 'UnH2tvzL5QbhVcfAUTfh0QzhtOQ', {width: 500})) setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50); }()); </script>
  12. слышь, дерьмо, ты чо на кончева залупаешься, шакал?
  13. свистни в хуй, от того что музыка хорошая педиком он быть не перестал
  14. а кто посты удаляет? ну и да, объективно пинкфлойд то педик
  15. зачем вы над человеком издеваетесь, вы же его не знаете, а вдруг он возьмет ружье с гвоздями и разьебенет вам жвала по стене и будут вас опознавать по следам кала
  16. пацаны, я сегодня на работе сильно замерз, а потом пошёл в туалет и набздел на всю кабинку , пока грелся навалил нехилую кучу, вонь стояла до самого вечера
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